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rabbi's column - Project “M.O.M.”

01/18/2017 01:04:27 PM



Mother wakes son up – “Moishe, it’s late. Get up for Minyan.”

Son – “I’m tired. Let me sleep.”

Mother – “Get up. They need you.”

Son – “I don’t get along with the people there.”

Mother – “Moishe, you have to go. You are the Rabbi!”


M.O.M. – Make Our Minyan


D’var Torah:

The Torah states, “Who is like Hashem, our G-d, whenever will call to Him.” This indicates that we can pray to Hashem anytime.

The Prophet states, “Seek out Hashem when He is to be found.” This indicates that Hashem is not always accessible.

The Talmud resolves this by teaching that if you pray with a Minyan, then Hashem is always accessible. If you pray without a Minyan, then during the Ten Days of Repentance (from Rosh Hashana through Yom Kippur) Hashem is as accessible as if you are praying with a Minyan.

Praying with a Minyan is more powerful and effective.

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784