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rabbi's parsha insight - Bo

01/12/2016 03:21:42 PM


     “Yetziat Mitzrayim,” the Exodus from Egypt, is the highlight of this week’s Parsha. As Jews, we constantly mention this fundamental event, since then we became a “nation,” chosen by G-d for a spiritual mission.

     Biblically, we are commanded to remember the Exodus twice daily, which we perform at the end of the Shema. “I am Hashem, your G-d, who took you out of the land of Egypt.”  WE mention the Exodus at Kiddush Friday night and we dedicate the eight day holiday of Passover, when we tell the story of the Exodus at length.  The Ten Commandments identify G-d, not as our creator, but as the Redeemer from Egypt


Why is the memory of the Exodus so important? What eternal lesson do we learn from it?


The Hebrew word for Egypt is “Mitzrayim.” Mitzrayim means narrowness, straits, limitations.  A Jew must always leave Mitzrayim, free himself from self-imposed limitations in his service of G-d.  WE always want to become better, to do more in our personal, family, professional and recreational lives. 

     The same should apply to our religious life. Never be satisfied with your study of Torah and Mitzvah performance. Give more charity, attend synagogues more often, perform more acts of kindness, give your children a better Torah education. Those are example of the constant Yetziat Mitzrayim, a continuous ascent to higher spiritual levels.


Every Jewish male, above the age of 13 has the privilege and obligation to perform the Mitzvah of Tefillin every weekday. Optimally, the Tefillin should be worn during Shacharit.  However, if this is not possible, you can don the Tefillin any time until sunset and recite the Shema.  Thereby you will perform this Mitzvah fully.

Mashiach Matters:

The Messianic era will be a time of universal awareness, perception, and knowledge of G-d.  

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784