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01/20/2016 09:50:18 AM


Manna and Torah

The purpose of the Exodus was not just freeing the Jews from slavery.  G-d told Moshe at the Burning Bush that the purpose was to receive the Torah at Mount Sinai. Therefore all the events recorded in this week's Parsha are lessons that are prerequisites to receiving the Torah, as related in next week's Parsha.

Beshalach records the story of the Manna in great detail.  It fell from heaven every weekday morning, and had the miraculous ability of providing all the nourishment and flavors a person could want.  Yet, the Jews were prohibited from gathering more than an Omer of Manna per person each day. If they gathered more, it would rot and smell.

Why deny the Jewish people the ability of gathering as much of this Divine food as they want?  Why make them go to sleep with no food in the pantry?

The essence of receiving the Torah is surrendering your will to G-d, under all circumstances.  This can only be accomplished when you realize your total reliance on G-d for all your needs.  

It's easy to observe Torah and Mitzvot when things are going well.  The lesson of the Manna is that even when your pantry is empty, you still live a Torah way of life, because G-d will provide even when the situation seems dire.  When we give our very existence to G-d, G-d will give us the Torah.

Tu B'Shevat, the 15th day of the month of Shvat, is the new year for tree fruits.  In Temple times, this date was significant for many agricultural Mitzvot.  In our times, we observe it through Minhag, customs, primarily eating fruits connected to the land of Israel.  We try to eat a new fruit, to make a Shehecheyanu.

Mashiach Matters
Mashiach shall mend the whole world so that all shall serve G-d in unity. 

Fri, May 3 2024 25 Nisan 5784